Volunteer & Career Opportunities

Volunteer Leader
Thank you for your interest in Young Life!
Young Life is an incredibly organization where we go out into the world of teens to provide spaces where they feel seen, heard, and loved. We have an amazing group of adults that create safe spaces for teens and for one another.

Thank you for your interest in our work here at Young Life!
For staff associate oportunities please email your cover letter and resume to careers@younglife.ca to apply or learn more.
For career opportunities at RockRidge Canyon, our camping property, conference and retreat centre in Princeton, BC, please visit our careers page on RockRidgeCanyon.com.
Please contact our Human Resources team at careers@younglife.ca with any questions you may have about working with us and to learn about our training program and other current opportunities.
Watch this video to learn more about what a Young Life committee is from our friends in the Scioto Valley!
Join Our Committee!
Our Young Life committee here in the Central Okanagan is incredible. If you are a concerned adult that would love to have a voice in helping us reach teenagers in this area please contact our Area Director.
Area Director – Briane Hogeveen – bhogeveen@younglife.ca