Fall Dessert Banquet

Central Okanagan Fundraiser - Fall Dessert Banquet

The Fall Dessert Banquet came back in 2023 after covid with an incredible time together. The evening was full of dessert, laugher, and teens serving the community that helps make Young Life happen. Young Life is a non-profit organization and without the help of sponsors and financial donors we would not be able to do the work that we do today, loving teenagers in our community. 

With the help of table hosts that bring 8 of their friends we were able to fill the banquet hall!

If you are interested in being a table host for next years event please contact us! 

We can’t wait for this year and to tell you all about Young Life and how you can partner with us so we can go further into the world of teens to reach the furthest kid out – all while sharing our love for dessert!